Unveiling Voices: 21 Perspectives of Manchester
During Preliminary discussions we focussed on Manchester as an international city. The student population of Manchester University alone at present consists of 7,400 international students. We became interested in preconceptions of those unfamiliar with the city and how these changed upon visiting and experiencing Manchester. We also considered hidden elements of Manchester; places which people had discovered whilst staying in the city. This was also extended to popular and well known attractions which, when mentioned in personal anecdotes were given a fresh perspective.
In our approach we wanted to exclude the curatorial voice as far as possible, instead placing the emphasis on numerous individual perspectives of Manchester. We were aware of our limitations in achieving this: our selection of specific quotes from the approximately fifty interviews carried out, and our accounts of places referred to by interviewees, irrefutably illustrate a curatorial bias. We distributed the preparative work and the installation of the exhibition evenly. For example, each member of the team conducted several preliminary interviews which resulted in a more diverse range of voices to draw from.
We were aware that our audience would be passers by, on their way to seminars, lectures or meetings in the Mansfield Cooper building. This audience necessitated concise and easily accessible information which would invite multiple viewings. We hoped that multiple voices present in the display prompt the viewer to consider their own view of Manchester. We therefore invited them to interact with the exhibition, adding their own voice to a comments board.
Our method of display aimed to recreate a scrapbook effect, drawing numerous and diverse views of Manchester together. We colour coded different themes such as music, architecture and entertainment and highlighted text which referred to a specific theme in the corresponding colour. This playful method of cross referencing was intended to create a visually stimulating means of comprehending the information presented.
The objects displayed within the case have little or no monetary value, their greatest worth being sentimental. Yet they become tangible specimens of personal accounts of Manchester. In this context they have worth projected onto them.
Unveiling Voices was intended to offer varied and informative views of the city of Manchester in a captivating and accessible format. We hope to prompt our audience to consider aspects of and places within Manchester that they have not previously visited.